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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-116

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114 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE class ii Michaelmas Term -Greek and Latin Reader Grammar and Exercises Lent Term -Xenophon's Anabasis Book II Cicero de Amicitia Easter Term -Xenophon's Anabasis Book Cicero de Officiis Book The following text-books are used for Grammar Composi- tion History and Philology division class Holden's Foliorum Centuria3 and Foliorum Silvula Nixon's Parallel Extracts Kynaston's Greek Iambics Pott's Hints for Latin Prose and Specimens for Translation Sidgwick's Greek Prose Part III Reid's Translation at Sight Goodwins Greek Moods and Tenses Peile's Intro- duction to Philology Smith's History of Greece and Merivale's History of Rome abridged by Puller class ii Nixon's Parallel Extracts and Abbott's Latin Prose through English Idiom Sidgwick's Greek Prose Part II Iophon Introduction to Greek Iambics and Gepp's Latin Verse Goodwin's Greek Grammar Reid's Translation at Sigbt Peile's Primer of Philology Smith's History of Greece and Merivale's History of Rome abridged by Puller division class Abbott's Latin Prose through English Idiom Sidgwick's Greek Prose Part Roby's School Latin Grammar Fyffe's History of Greece ×™ ×™ class ii Bennett's First Latin Writer Sidgwick's First Greek Writer Mayor's Greek for Beginners Creighton's History of Rome Morice's Stories in Attic Greek and Bennett's Latin Stories
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