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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-115

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general literature and science Ill II SYLLABUS OF LECTURES -Religious Instruction Lectures are delivered every Wednesday Afternoon and Saturday Morning during the Academical Year There are terminal examinations in the subjects treated of in the Lectures and periodical examinations on Text-books chosen by the Principal Marks are given to the papers at these examinations according to merit and the Students are classed at the close of each Term On the last day of the Academical Year prizes are adjudged to the best Students in the various years No Student can take prize more than twice Any Student meriting prize third time will receive Certificate of Honor -The Greek and Latin Classics Lectures daily Saturday excepted from 10 20 to 11 40 11 45 to or The subjects of these Lectures are the works of the best Latin and Greek writers and Greek and Latin Composition both in Prose and Verse Besides the work which is done in the Lecture Room the Students are expected to prepare given portion of Roman and Greek History for each College Examination as well as an additional Classical subject Lectures will be given by Professor Warr on Greek History Michaelmas Term and Greek Literature Lent Term and during the Easter Term on the History of the East with special reference to the monuments in the British Museum Lectures will be given by Mr Gill on Greek and Latin Philology special course of lectures to which persons not being students of the College will be admissible will be delivered during the Lent Term by Professor Abel Ph of Berlin on some new aspects of Philology
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