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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1879-1880-659

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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 659 XIIL-OTiBbrtm Cell Translate into English gaft bu ana xvofyl bfbadjt a3 bu mtr rdttjjl tc wilbe Bwtcttac unb bm itlang ber SBaffcn JRuffl bu in biefeS fricbgewofmte Sfjal- SOBir roagtcn c3 ein fcf tt adjc9 SSoif ber giirten Sn ilampf ju gr rn mit bent -germ ber 38elt δ SSerblcnbeter om eiteln tang bcrfiifjrt 93cracijte bcin eburtslanb φαηκ bid £ er uralt frommrn 2itte beincr S3dter Tlit cigen Sfjrdncn roirfi bu btφ bcreinjl eimfcimcn ηαφ ben toater en SSergen Unb bicfcS $erbenreif en8 SMobie £ ie bu in loljcm Ueberbrug toerfc md fl 3J it φιηεΓ η ί πίϊίφΙ njirb fie biφ ergreifcn SBenn fte bir anflingt auf ber frembcn 6rbc Translate into German The world has been created by God and is ruled over by him The art of printing was invented by German named Guttenberg and was introduced into England by Caxton The rivers of America and Asia are much larger than those of Europe £ Even the weak become strong when they are united That was master-shot must praise it Schiller wrote his drama Wilhelm Tell in the year eighteen hundred and four Grammatical questions Decline in the singular and plural with the re τ τ
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