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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1879-1880-646

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646 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS Name the gas which occasions explosions in coal-mines give its chemical formula and explain the explosion by an equation IX Harnefort jptrst ffilass Sccf 01arsfctps tntiis anil yoUuS Into what sections does the book of Genesis naturally divide itself At what point does the regular history begin What are the great points illustrative of the providence of God and the nature of man which are brought out to us in The narrative of Creation The description of the primeval condition of man The history of the Fall Compare the characters of Abraham Isaac and Jacob illustrating by reference to the history but not giving any continuous narrative Explain the following passages In thy seed shall all families of the earth be blessed The sceptre shall not depart from Judah till Shiloh come AM hath sent me unto you By examination of the mission given to Moses and the powers conferred on him show the truth of the declaration "There arose in Israel no prophet like unto Moses Give brief history of the delivery of the Law on Mount Sinai and the solemn ratification of the Covenant between God and Israel How were the evil effects of the sojourn in Egypt manifested in the history of the people in the wilderness
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