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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1879-1880-627

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APPLIED SCIENCES 627 to the foot of an incline of in 250 resistance 10 lbs per ton if the steam is cut off how far will it go before stopping -IHerfjamri SECOND AND THIRD YEARS weight of lbs is suspended freely from fixed point by perfectly flexible string find what horizontal force applied to the weight will draw the string 30 out of the perpendicular The arms of false balance are unequal and one of the scales is loaded body whose true weight is Ρ lbs appears to weigh lbs when placed in one scale and when placed in the other scale find the ratio of the anus of the balance and the weight with which the scale is loaded line is drawn cutting off one quarter of square whose side is prove that the distance of the centre of gravity of the remainder from the centre of the whole square when the line is parallel to side of the square and -f when it is parallel to diagonal of the lo square Show how to find the position and magnitude of the resultant of any number of parallel forces acting at different points in the same plane weight of 400 lbs rests on rough inclined plane co-efficient of friction 62 find the force which will suffice to be on the point of drawing the weight up the plane to be just preventing the weight from sliding down the plane The inclination of the plane is 30 and the force is supposed to act to the best advantage in each case Show how to determine the relation between power and weight for equilibrium on rough wheel and axle Show how to find the change in the velocity when the power and weight are not balanced κ κ
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