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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1879-1880-626

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626 APPLIED SCIENCES Find also the tension of the string if the plate be inch thick and of specific gravity 8'8 copper wire 2166 centimetres long weighs 158 grammes in air and 140 grammes in water Find its volume specific gravity mean section and mean radius gas initially at volume 9000 cubic centimetres temperature 100 and pressure represented by 75 centimetres of mercury has its pressure increased by centimetre of mercury and its temperature raised to 200 Find its final volume Explain clearly why it is impossible to obtain perfect vacuum with common air-pump Describe some form of apparatus for measuring the amount of exhaustion produced An aperture is made in the side of vessel ft above table and it is found that when the vessel is filled with water the jet coming from the orifice strikes the table ft from the bottom of the vessel Find the total depth of the water in the vessel Describe Lavoisier and Laplace's method of determining the linear expansion of metals Give an account of the experiments of Wells on the formation of dew Explain the action of Regnault's hygro- meter and show how it is used for determining the hygrometric state of the air Define specific heat mass of copper weighing 150 grammes is heated to 100 and immersed in 500 grammes of water at 10 contained in copper vessel weighing 130 grammes Find the resulting temperature Assume the specific heat of copper 0951 Describe two experimental methods of proving that the intensity of radiant heat varies inversely with the square of the distance from the source of heat 10 lead bullet moving with velocity of 200 ft per second strikes target without penetrating Find the rise of temperature produced in the bullet by the impact Assume specific heat of lead Ό33 11 train moving at the rate of 30 miles an hour comes
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