Calendar: 1879-1880 Page 604
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Page content
604 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 28 Prove that the area of the parallelogram which touches the ellipse at the ends of conjugate diameters is constant 29 Normals at Ρ and the ends of semi-conjugate diameters of an ellipse meet at find the equation to KC and show that KC is perpendicular to PD 30 If the ordinate MP of hyperbola be produced to so that MQ SP find the locus of XXI -aigtbra airt Crtgonometrg Add together ax If prove that Jl VM7 Vl If Va Vaa 43 fa Va -f prove that 2a Find the square root of Ia λ 2V id ac 42 Solve the equations i- lr l' i-l Jx Ja r" rf 20 certain number of men mow acres of grass in hours and certain number of other men mow acres in hours
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