Calendar: 1879-1880 Page 593
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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 593 What flexions had adjectives in the fourteenth century Derive nilly in willy-nilly-such-which-whether- twice-anon-darkling Translate into modern English Me may lere sely ode That is ever toward gode With lutel lore Yef me nul him forther teche Thenne is herte wol areche Forte lerne more Sely chyld is sone ylered Quoth Hending fc With longyng am lad On molde waxe mad maide marreth me grede grone vnglad For selden am sad That semly forte se Leuidi thou rewe me To routhe thou hauest me rad Be bote of that bad My lyf is long on the Pers he seyd thou were wurthy For to be wurscheped more than For thou art weyl with Jesu He sheweth for the grete virtu Tharf or shal make the re wyl that my felaw thou be Ac water is kendeliche cheld Thagh hit be warmd of fere Therfore me mey cristni therinne In whaut time falthe yere Of yse So mey me naught in ewe ardaunt That neth no wateris wyse Jesus satt on his moder kne Wit ul blith cher said he ρ ρ
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