Calendar: 1879-1880 Page 558
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558 theological department EXAMINATION FOR CERTIFICATES Easter Term 1879 -JntroUuctt'on to tije la Ctatamtnt Explain the meaning of the word Ecelesiastes Show its bearing on Koheleth and give the several renderings of the original title that have been proposed Give an analysis of the book State and examine the several reasons that have been advanced against the Solo- monic authorship of the book When is the Song of Songs read in the synagogue how is its canonicity declared in the Talmud and what is the meaning of the phrase used Mention points in the Song of Songs which ar favourable to the Solomonic authorship Give plan of the poem Mention all that is known of the personal life of Isaiah Who were his contemporaries How is this book to be divided What are the several dates given in it and the several subjects of prophecy What is Isaiah's use of the name Cyrus what is the meaning of the name and what parallel to his use of it is found Give fully the evidence external and internal for the integrity of Isaiah On what grounds is the integrity of the book denied and how may they be met II -ftebrtfo Translate Psalm iv Parse the more difficult words and add any remarks you may deem appropriate Translate Psalm explaining difficulties of grammar or construction
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