Calendar: 1879-1880 Page 426
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Page content
THE SCHOOL 425 Plane Co-ordinate Geometry The Differential Calculus Statics Dynamics and Hydrostatics Arithmetic- Vulgar and Decimal Fractions Proportion Interest and Discount Percentages Stocks and Exchanges Mensuration of Surfaces and Solids VI FRENCH An Exhibition of £5 in ץ books open to both Given by the Head Master Divisions Dictation Translation into English from books not specially pre- pared Prose Composition The Grammar History and Etymology of the Lan- guage Thiers Campaigns of Napoleon Areola and Marenzo Edited by Bowen VII GERMAN An Exhibition of £5 in ץ books open to both Given bythe Head Master Divisions Prize open to both Divisions Given by the Vice Master Subjects Prize open to both Divisions Given by the Vice Master
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