Calendar: 1879-1880 Page 339
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Page content
338 EVENING CLASSES Tuesday MATHEMATICS- Class Sterkdalf Bennett Class II Larcher ITALIAN Professor Pistrucci DRAWING Architectural Mechanical Figured Model and Landscape PUBLIC READING AND SPEAKING Plumptre PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Professor Seelet Phenomena connected with the Earth's Structure and which result from changes taking place beneath the surface such as Islands Mountain- chains Geysers and Volcanoes Influence of Air and Water on the Earth in producing Springs Rivers Lakes Valleys Hills Ac Glaciers Coves Bays Headlands Caves Sand-dunes Tides and Currents Wednesday ENGLISH- Grammatical Structure of the Lan- guage-Analysis of Sentences- Compositkm-AbstractandPricis Rev Adol Writing ELEMENTARY GREEK TESTAMENT Rev Ball ANCIENT HISTORY- The History of the East and of Primitive τ Society Professor Warr Thursday NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Tomlinson Outline of the Lectures Statics Definitions and Principles-Principle of the Parallelogram of Forces-Triangle of Forces-The Mechanical Powers-Friction Dynamics Definitions The Laws of Motion Motion of Falling Bodies-Centrifugal Force Hydrostatics Definitions and Principles-Equilibrium of Floating and Suspended Bodies-Specific Gravities Methods of determining them- dr statical Instruments The Principles discussed in the Lectures will be illustrated by Experiments and Numerical Examples FRENCH- Class I-Syntax and Idioms-CompositionJProfeg80r Mar1e Class II -Grammar-Idioms-Reading Mons Stieven rd ARITHMETIC Thomas
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