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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1879-1880-322

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evening classes 321 books recommended Bloxam's Laboratory Teaching Bowman's Practical Chemistry or the Owens Col- lege Course of Practical Chemistry published by Macmillan 20 MECHANICS and their application to engineering and machinery Days and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from 07 Physical Force-The Correlation of Matter and Force- Illustrations of various kinds of Force in Nature Definitions of Weight Specific Gravity Mass Density Division of the Science of Mechanics into Statics and Dynamics Statics -Pressure-Meaning of tbe term-It varies in amount and direction-The measure of this amount- Illustrations of Pressures in different directions producing Equilibrium In Statics Force is used as Synonyme of Pressure The graphical representation of the point of application direction and amount of Statical Force-Composition and resolution of Statical Forces The Parallelogram of Forces-The Triangle of Forces-Tbe Resultant of any number of Forces applied at the same point and whose directions lie in the same Plane-General condi- tions of the Equilibrium of Forces whose directions lie in the same Plane-The Principle of Moments The Composition and Resolution of Parallel Forces-The Centre of Parallel Forces-The Centre of Gravity of Body Conditions determining the Stability of Body-Illustra- tions of this The Mechanical Powers statically considered-Definition of Machine No Machine can intensify the energy of Force "What is ןained in power is lost in speed The Force of Friction
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