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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-669

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Page content

INDEX 067 page Ρ rofeJsors&Masters Namesof con Engineering Department 142 Medical Department 196 Evening Classes 294 The School 386 Proprietors List of 507 Psychological Medicine- Instruction 206 Public Reading 8ic MorningClass- Fees 90 Hours of Attendance 91 Public Reading &c Evening Class- Lectures 329 Fees 332 Hours of Attendance 335 Public Health Theol Dep Fees β" Hours of Attendance 91 Residence of Students- In College 455 In Private Families 458 PupilsofK School 405 Roman Law Evening Class- Lectures 332 Fees 332 Hours of Attendance 335 Rules for Students 74 Sambrooke Registrarships- Endowment 69 Regulations 240 Names of Registrars 244 Sanscrit- Fees Hours of Attendance Scholars Names of- Worsley 124 Gen Lit and Science 135 Inglis 126 410 Engineering Department 185 Warneford 236 239 Daniell 240 Medical 248 School ------------ 412 Forest 411 Scholarships Endowed- Worsley 121 Inglis 122 409 Warneford 232 Daniell 240 Forest 410 Scholarships Unendowed- Medical 244 School Mathematical 411 School King's College- Masters' Names 386 General Arrangements 387 page School King's College coni Mathematics 3S'I Natural Science 393 Chemistry 3i4 Workshop 394 Gymnasium 395 Special Classes 395 Rules as to Admission 399 General Rules 4011 Dining Hall &c 402 Vacations Examinations 403 Fees Use of Books 404 Residence of Pupils 40r Regulations forenteringColl 407 Scholarships 408 Exhibitions ----- 412 Annual Prizes 414 Terminal Prizes 422 Choral Exhibitioners 422 Rite of Confirmation 42 Scholars Names of 425 Prizes to whom given 46צ Names of Pupils 412 Schools in Union- Regulations and Privileges 533 Prizemen 534 ScienceScholarshipsand Exhibi- tions See Clothworkers' Co Shares former Holders of 502 Present Holders of Shorthand Evening Cla 8- Lectures 332 Fees 332 Hours of Attendance 335 Society of Apothecaries- Rules of 290 Society of Fine Arts- Names of Medallists ls Spanish Evening Class- Lectures ---------- 31 יי Fees --- 332 Hours of Attendance 335 Stephen Prize- Endowment 68 Regulations 131 Students' Boxes for Gowns &c 460 Surgeons College of 285 Surgery- Lectures 203 Fees 221 Hours of Attendance 222
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