Calendar: 1878-1879 Page 641
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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 639 Engltsl SH tnrj 1603-1689 What were the circumstances which brought about the execution of Sir Walter Raleigh Give an account of the quarrel between Charles and the House of Commons in the first three Parliaments of the reign What was the Court of Star Chamber Give an account of any trials before it you remember Say anything you know of the Expedition to Cadiz the Battles of Naseby and Dunbar the Treaty of Dover What was tbe policy-foreign and domestic-of Danby's Ministry On what grounds were the Seven Bishops put on their trial VI orate UeS ΠΙ IV Translate with explanatory notes va Virtus recludens immeritis mori Coelum negata tentat iter via Ccetusque vulgares et udam Spernit humum fugiente penna Est et fideli tuta silentio Merces vetabo qui Cereris sacrum Vulgarit arcanae sub isdem Sit trabibus fragilemve mecum Solvat phaselon Saepe Diespiter Neglectus incesto addidit integrum Raro antecedentem scelestum Deseruit pede Poena claudo Martiis ccelebs quid agam Calendis Quid velint flores et acerra thuris Plena miraris positusque carbo in Caespite vivo Docte sermones utriusque linguae Voveram dulces epulas et album
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