Calendar: 1878-1879 Page 611
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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 609 XXVIII tologj Arrange tlie sedimentary deposits of the earth's crust in their true order Distinguish the palaeozoic strata from the cainozoic both with reference to their lilhological condition and their paliEontological aspect What idea is expressed by the names old red a1 new red What is known of the vegetation of tbe Devonian Car- boniferous and Jurassic periods Compare the permian with the trias system What theories have been proposed to account for the presence of rock salt and gypsum in certain beds Where are the magnesian limestones met with In what formations at home and abroad is coal found Explain the origin of that substance Distinguish anthracite from cannel coal Where does jet occur Write short geological description of the Isle of Wight Give examples of unconformable strata Has the absence of parallelism between deposits any practical bearing in well- sinking or mining operations in search of coal State possible case In what deposits are the earliest traces of univalves Crustacea birds fishes and mammals Were the first fishes homocercal or heterocercal Of what kind were the first mammals Define and describe ammonites bclemnites ceratodus ichythyosaurus goniatites nautilus terebratula ceratites and rhyncbonella What are tbe tabulate and rugose corals Are they found in existing seas At what geological period were they charac- teristic forms 10 student during vacation tour collected fossils at four localities in England and His starting-place was and he visited and in succession At he found several trilobites and an ortboceras at Î’ cidaris an ammonite belemnite an apiocrinite and nucleolites at an ammonite belemnite an ananchytes micraster and the spine of 44
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