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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-59

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ANNUAL REPORT 57 College who has already gained marked academical distinction in the University of London The Council have much pleasure in reporting that the Committee of King's College Hospital with view to the increase of the usefulness of the Institution and to the improvement of the Clinical Teaching carried on within its walls have been able to open new Wards and to raise the number of beds from 172 to 205 Έ -The Evening Class Department has fully maintained its efficiency and usefulness although the number of its Occasional Students has somewhat diminished-perhaps in consequence of the opening of Evening Classes at some new local centres during the past year In connexion with this Department it may be noted that in addition to the regular Gilbart Lectures on Banking by Professor Leone Levi Special Course has been delivered under the auspices of some leading Banking Firms by Mr McLeod on The Principle of Credit as applied to Banking '' which have been attended by at least 400 Students -The School has shown remarkable increase of numbers since the date of the last Report At that time there were on the School Roll 542 names at the present time there are in all GOO-the largest number ever recorded as in attendance since the foundation of the School It is also to be noted that while the Upper or Senior Division of the School remains nearly unchanged in number there are now 210 in the Middle Division tand nearly 200 in the Lower Division The increase in these lower sections of the School augurs favourably for its future success and shows that the provision made for the instruction of the younger boys is more and more appreciated as laying the foundation of good future progress That the work of the School is highly satisfactory is shown by the List of Honours and Distinctions gained during the year here subjoined by the testimony of the Oxford and Cambridge Board of Examiners
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