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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-565

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TRENCH PRIZE 563 The teaching of the parable of the Unfinished Tower With what apostle has Nathanael been identified Ex- amine our Lord's testimony to his character and the promise made to him What legends have gathered round the history of the Penitent Thief -aigijtfoot'i 3&ίί ίί5ίοπ of tfjt ficfo CcStamtnt Give an account of St Jerome's Version of the Bible and of the manner in which it was received by Augustine and others "The conservative action of textual criticism What is meant by this expression Illustrate it by examples Give examples from the Authorized Version of real distinctions effaced of needless distinctions created Examine the treatment of the Greek article in the English Version The archaisms of the English Version Examine fully the meaning of the words inioicrioc nepi- ούσιο How far do the following passages fail to give the meaning of the Greek Thanks be to God which always causeth us to triumph Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit These are spots in your feasts of charity rf Thou that abhorrest idols dost thou commit sacrilege There appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire Thy holy child Jesus Behold how great matter little fire kindleth Examine the treatment of official and political titles in the Authorized Version Ν Ν
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