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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-400

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398 THE SCHOOL VI Special Instruction Instruction is also given after school-hours to boys either in the above Classes or in the School generally who may require additional assistance in any part of their Work The Terms are- Two Days Three Days Four Days Elementary Classics Higher Classics Modern LaDguages Elementary Mathematics Higher Mathematics Trigonometry י Conies Calculus Mechanics Heat &c Bookkeeping Drawing NaturalScience Chemistry Geology Sic Writing Land Surveying and Levelling Theory ϊ Theory and Practice English -Precis and Essay Writing Workshop Two afternoons Fencing Boxing Gymnasium Preparation for Special Examinations involving several subjects For London University Matriculation Examination For other Examinations involving higher Classical or Mathematical subjects arrangements can be made on consultation with the Head Master The Fees must in all cases be paid to the Secretary of the College £ VII Holiday Classes Classes are also formed during the Christmas Vacation for instruction in any branch of study wherein Pupil feels himself deficient or which he may wish to acquire more fully
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