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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-397

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the school 395 vr gymnasium Master-R Castellote The Gymnasium is open to all boys during the dinner- hour on Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday and for one hour every day after School on payment of Fee of 7s per Term VII special classes Class for Special Scientific Instruction This Class prepares for Science Scholarships at the Univer- sities for the Preliminary Scientific Examination and the First Bachelor of Science Examination of the University of London Members of this Class must have passed the Matriculation Examination of the University of London or must have other sufficient qualifications of equal value Instruction is given by Lectures and by Laboratory Practice as thus ill Botanv Prof- BentleJ F-L-S the Dean of the ×™ ×™ Medical Faculty Zoology Prof Garrod Biology Prof Yeo Mechanics Prof Adams Physics Tomlinson Prof Bloxam Chemistry Hartley Thomson Tutor of the Class Rev Henry Belcher Members of the Class are allowed the use of the Medical Library in the College and are periodically examined in their work by the Professors in their respective subjects They attend the College Chapel at 30 and are subject in all points essential to the usual discipline of the School
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