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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-395

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THE SCHOOL 393 XIX Upper Sixth Class Arithmetic and Mensuration -The whole Euclid -The whole with Deductions Algebra -The whole Trigonometry -The whole Mechanics -The whole Geometrical and Analytical Conios Elementary Differential Calculus Elementary Statics Dynamics Hydrostatics and Optics Boys in the Special Classes preparing for the Univer- sities for Woolwich Cooper's Hill and other Examinations in addition to the work of the Upper Sixth do the Integral Calculus the Elements of Solid Geometry Statics Particle Dynamics and Theory of Equations if required III NAT URAL SCIENCE Lecturer-H Tomlinson Courses of Lectures are delivered each term on some branch of Natural Science The Lectures are divided into two classes elementary and more advanced The elementary Lectures are attended by the Boys in the Senior Division of the Middle School they see the experiments performed and are required to give written account of each Lecture The more advanced Lectures are intended for those who have shown certain degree of proficiency in the subject taught in the elementary Lectures and have special re- ference to the subjects required in the examination for Matn-
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