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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-352

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350 WORKSHOP CLASSES Cicero de Officiis Book Virg Μη Xenophon Anabasis Book Greek and Latin Grammar For the Latin and Greek subjects any books of corre- spouding length and difficulty may be substituted at the choice of the Candidate by previous notice to the Principal Any gentlemen desiring to join this Department or any single class therein and needing any information are re- quested to communicate with the Principal or the Chaplain The Chaplain may be found in his College Rooms during Term at 30 on Wednesdays CLASSES IN PREPARATION FOR ADMISSION There is special Day Course from 10 to under the charge of Professor Mayor and Mr Warr in preparation for the ntrance Examination The following Evening Classes are arranged for the same object viz Winter Summer Latin Mon and Thurs to Friday 30 ireek to Monday to Greek Test Wednesday to Wednesday II WORKSHOP EVENING CLASSES FOR PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN WOOD AND IRON WORK As applied to Building and Engineering Construction The College Workshop will be found to afford every facility lor complete course of Engineering work especially adapted for pupils in Engineers' offices for Gentlemen pre- paring for Colonial Life for intending competitors for the Whitworth Scholarships The Shop is provided with Engine and Shafting and the Lathes Planing and Drilling Machines are driven by Steam power The Course will include
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