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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-348

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346 EVENING CLASSES selected by the Candidate himself from any of the Classes which he has attended in the current year except the Classes in Writins Drawing Shorthand and Public Speaking The Lower Class in any sub- ject divided into Two Classes as well as any Class below the Second in any subject divided into more than Two Classes is also excepted If the Candidate has only attended two Classes he must obtain half marks in both of them VI Applications for the Associateship must be made in writing to the Secretary before the last day of the Winter Session VII The sum of Ā£1 Is is payable in all Departments of the College on receiving the Diploma of an Associate XIV Schedules of Attendance Every Student who proposes to offer himself for the rank of Associate of King's College London for the "Cunningham" Prize for the "Jelf" Medal or for one of the Aggregate prizes Must at the close of his first Session obtain through the Librarian printed form on which he will be required to state the Lectures for which he has entered and to obtain the signatures of the respec- tive Lecturers certifying to his regular and punctual attendance No charge will be made for this Form if taken out signed and returned to the Librarian be ore the close of the first Session Summer or Winter as the case may be of the Student's attendance but otherwise there will be charge of
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