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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-329

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EVENING CLASSES 327 Î’ Combustible Minerals -Sulphur Bitumen Coal Jet Amber &c Minerals used in Jewelry -Diamond coloured varieties of Corundum Sapphire Ruby Topaz-called Oriental stones Spinel Turquoise Topaz Emerald Beryl Hyacinth Tourma- line Lapis-lazuli &c The Metalliferous Minerals will be fully described in the Practical Course during Easter Term The Course will include minute description of all the substances entering into the composition of Rocks and of those minerals which are also used in the Arts illustrated by an extensive collection of characteristic specimens and diagrams of the principal crystalline forms &c 28 GEOLOGY Day and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to The entire Course Winter and Summer will consist of about Thirty Lectures and will review the leading facts in connection with Stratigraphical and Palseontographical Geology The Lectures will be illustrated by large series of diagrams and fossils and are intended to prepare the Student for the more important public Examinations Winter Session In the Michaelmas Term will be described the various agencies at present in operation which elucidate the formation of the Rock Masses The Earth's early condition and later contours the distribution of Forest and Desert Regions Rain and River Action Atmospheric Influences Oceanic Deposits Volcanoes and Earthquakes the Rise of Mountain Chains Glaciers and the growth of Coral Islands will be explained In the Lent Term technical words bearing on the subject will be defined the theories of geological time and palaeonto- logical evidence will be discussed The general relationship of the older formations their Fossil contents and their appli- cation to manufacturing purposes will also be treated of
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