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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-326

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324 EVENING CLASSES Part II -Physiological Botany Functions of the Nutritive Organs -Food of Plants Ap- plications of in Agriculture and Horticulture Function of Absorption Practical application of its knowledge in Trans- planting Trees &c -Distribution of Fluid Matters through the Plant and their Alternation in the Leaves Its Influence in Nature-Practical Applications arising from knowledge of these changes Respiration Importance of in preserving the Composition of the Atmosphere and Water-Wardian Cases and the important purposes to which they may be applied II Functions of the Reproductive Organs -Functions 01' the Calyx and Corolla-Fertilization-Hybridization-Ger- mination-Vitality and Dispersion of Seeds BOOK RECOMMENDED Bentley's Manual of Botany 3rd Edition 25 EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS Day and lour of Attendance-Wednesday from to The Course for 1878-79 will treat of Statical and Dynamical Electricity and Magnetism Electrical Attractions and Repulsions Conductors and Non-Conductors Distinction of two kinds Electricity Hypothesis of Electric Fluids Laws of Electrical Action II Effect of Air and Moisture in causing loss of Electricity Influence of the Form of the Body Distribution of Electricity on the Surface of Bodies Electrical Machines III Electrical Induction Faraday's Theory of Indue- tion Electroscopes The Electrophorus Con- densation of Electricity The Leyden Jar Elec- trical Discharges
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