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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-314

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312 evening classes After Christmas About eight Lectures on the Geographical Conditions which have determined the Distribution of Life on the Earth On the Influence of Climate II On the Influence of the Configuration of Land III On the Means of Discovering the Relative Antiquity of the Chief Masses of Land from the Present Distn- bution of Life IV The Geographical Distribution of the Human Race The Distribution of Land Plants and Land Animals with an Inquiry into the Origin of Geographical Provinces VI The Life in the Rivers and on the Sea-shores of the World as indicating Marine Geographical Provinces VII Life in the Open Oceans as indicating persistence and changes of Geographical Conditions VIII Comparison between the Distribution of Life on the Earth in Past Ages of its History and the Distribution of the Present Day In the Summer Term there will be Short Course of Lectures on Meteorology and the Practical Use of the Instruments required in making Geographical Observations 15 ARITHMETIC Two Classes Days and Hours Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to or from 09 or both hours on both nights by additional payment The instruction in Arithmetic comprises First Principles Proportion Practice Fractions Decimals Involution Evolu- tion Interest Stocks Partnership Loss and Gain and Ex- changes The Arbitration of Exchanges is treated by the Chain Rule Leases Annuities Reversions and other subjects connected with Compound Interest are treated by Logarithms
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