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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-302

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300 EVENING CLASSES ANCIENT HISTORY Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to History of Greece from October to Christmas Greek Poetry Philosophy and Art after Christmas History of Roman Republic History of Roman Empire Oriental History The various series will be continuous and are intended to offer complete view of Ancient History The Lectures on Greek Art and Oriental History will be specially designed to illustrate the monuments in the British Museum Text-books The Student's History of Greece Dr William Smith Jebb's Primer of Greek Literature Merivale and Puller's School History of Rome The Student's Manual of Ancient History Philip Smith No further reading will be required of the Students Presup- posing knowledge of these Text-books the Lectures will deal chiefly with the philosophy of Ancient History Syllabus of the First Series -1 The origin of the Greeks The Greek Religion The Delphic priesthood Persia The Age of War The Heroic Legends Sparta The Athenian democracy The Alexandrian Conquests Second Series -1 The intellectual movement in Greece Homer Eschylus Socrates Plato Aris- totle Greek Sculpture FRENCH -Four Classes Days and Hours of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from to or from to or both hours on both nights by additional payment Class to -Original Composition and Commercial Correspondence Idioms and Proverbs History of the Language
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