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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-236

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234 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT These Scholarships may be held for three years or in the case of the Extra Scholarships for two years provided the Scholar continues so long attending Lectures in the Medical Department at King's College and provided he shall produce to the Council at the close ο his First and Second Academical Year respectively Certificate signed by the Principal and the Dean of the Medical Department of good conduct of regular attendance on the Divinity and Medical Lectures and Examinations and on Clinical Lectures and Hospital Practice and of satisfactory progress in his studies during the year then past The Scholarship will become void at the close of the Financial Year in which such Certificate is not obtained Every Warneford Scholar of this Class is required to com- pete for the ordinary Medical Scholarship of his year and the Dean's Certificate of progress in Medical studies will be made dependent upon his getting an aggregate of one-half the marks assigned to the several papers in that examination These Scholarships are tenable with one of the College Medical Scholarships but the holder of Warneford Class -Scholarship must resign the same if he gain Class II Scholarship All Candidates for these Scholarships must give in their names to the Secretary of the College on form to be obtained in the office three days before the commencement of the Examination and state which of the optional subjects they have selected They must also register their Cards of admission to the Medical Department with the Dean before the first day of examination 1878 The days of Examination are fixed as follows Saturday September 28 ו ο λ ΓϊττΓτχτττ-ν hour to each of the three subjects 10 to DIVINITY with short intermissions
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