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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-235

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medical department 233 stated and as often as the Council has accumulated the sum of £50 by means of lapsed and forfeited Scholarships or of interest on the "Warneford King's College Scholarship" funds in their possession an additional Scholarship of £25 per annum for two years is given after due notice one additional scholarship of U25 per annum tenable for two years will be given in october 1878 These Scholarships are open to all Matriculated Students of the Medical Department who are also perpetual Pupils of the Hospital at the commencement of their first Winter Session but any Student who in his first year at King's College attends the Preliminary Scientific Course only and neither dissects nor attends Anatomy or Physiology may compete for these Scholarships at the beginning of his second year The following are the subjects of Examination Compulsory subjects Divinity English Literature and History Marks assignedj Latin 100 to each subject Mathematics Optional subjects Candidates will be allowed to select one subject out of Group and second out of group or Greek Group French German Marks assigned 75 Chemistry Natural Philosophy Botany Any Candidate failing to obtain 50 marks in Divinity is thereby absolutely disqualified from further examination No Scholarship will be awarded to any Candidate who does not obtain an aggregate of at least 300 marks if the payment is to continue for years and of 250 marks if the payment is for years only
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