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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-233

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 231 1872 Philpot Joseph Henry 1873 Hutchings Arthur Carey 1874 Moore George Edward 1870 Hayes Francis George 1876 Snell Edward Arthur 1877 Taylor Harold Gilbertson 1878 Baddeley Charles Edward anner Brt This Prize has been founded to perpetuate the memory of the late Thomas Hawkes Tanner former distinguished Student and Assistant-Physician to the Hospital The Prize is of the value of 10Λ in books and is awarded annually to the Candidate who has not exceeded his fourth year and who exhibits most proficiency in Diseases of AVomen and Children and Obstetrics The Examination will be held in July of each year and the following will be required from Candidates written examination on the Diseases of Women and Children practical examination on the same subject and on Obstetrics The best record of cases attended in the Out-door Mid- wifery Department to be written in the printed form of the "Register of Obstetric cases published by the Obstetrical Society of London Names of Prizemen 1873 Hutchings Arthur Carey 187" Arnott Sandford 1876 Willcocks Frederick 1877 Coffin Thomas Walker 1878 Balls James
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