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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-164

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162 APPLIED SCIENCES and developments of the art when they are considered of sufficient importance Hours 11 15-1 15 on Monday These Lessons are intended for those Students who have completed six Terms in this Department but those of the first or second year may by permission of the Dean attend on payment of fee of 41 per Term glass house with commodious developing-rooms has been erected and in connexion with it Laboratory for the preparation of Photographic chemicals so that Students joining these Classes are afforded every facility for practising the art In addition to the regular Lectures to the Matriculated Students in this Department Private Instruction is also given in theoretical and practical Photography to such gentlemen as may wish to avail themselves of the Lecturer's services The fee for private instruction for the Course is 61 51 inclusive of Chemicals the number of lessons being regu- lated as under Student lessons of hours each Students- Students-10 Students-12 For fee of 13Z 10s private Student is entitled to attend- ance at Lectures and to the use of chemicals apparatus &c for three terms 12 Engineering Workshops Matriculated Students The instruction given in the Workshop is divided into two branches namely Wood Work and Metal Work The Workshop is well provided with the necessary Carpenters' Vices and Benches together with Hand-Lathes Geared and Screw-cutting Lathes Planing Drilling and other Machine- tools The Foundry is furnished with Cupola Brass
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