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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-155

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applied sciences 153 Switches Water Cranes Tanks Turntables Traversers Signals Wheels Axles Buffers Springs Carriages Wagons Trucks for Timber and Stone These Lectures are intended to add knowledge of Practice to knowledge of the Theory taught by the other Professors In order to attain this object Machines are not only described in general terms but their various details and the design of each particular construction are illustrated and explained by drawings and models Great advantages are afforded to the Students in this De- partment by Directors of Works and by Manufacturers in the neighbourhood of London who from time to time kindly con- sent to grant the Professorof Manufacturing Art and Machinery permission to visit their Works accompanied by limited number of Students For these visits diligent Students are selected who show by their application and general industry that the explanations given them are likely to increase their powers of observation judgment and invention Third Year Students are conducted through system of advanced Work taking the form of Essays on various En- gineering questions and constructive designs for Machinery the materials to be procured from private reading as sup- plementary to the course of Lectures The Elements of Mechanism and Workshop Appliances in Longman's series of Text Books of Science are used by the Students Land Surveying and Levelling First Year Lecture-room from to every Friday Field-work at 10 every Saturday in the Easter Term Second Year Lecture-room to every Friday Surveying at 10 every alternate Saturday in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms Third Year Lecture-room to every Friday Levelling at 10 every alternate Saturday in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms
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