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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1878-1879-113

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Ill 13 -PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Saturday from 12 30 to 30 The object of this course is to explain the various pheno- mena of the earth's surface as consequences of' the modes of action of the forces-heat gravitation &c and to show how the distribution of plants animals and of the human race is determined by climate changed outlines of land and water &c and how far the development of civilization depends on physical phenomena In the First Term those elements of the earth's physical geography will be treated of which result from its rock structure and from forces acting in its interior These will include the cause and determination of the earth's size and figure its density nature of its relations to other heavenly bodies longitude and latitude The influence of tempera- ture pressure and infiltration on the minerals and rocks forming the earth's surface The origin and persistence of mountains and continents The Alps Himalayas Andes Eocky Mountains Causes of the contours of the chief masses of land Distribution of volcanoes Volcanic pheno- mena their relation to the outlines of land and water Geysers Thermal springs Distribution of metals and metallic ores on the earth's surface In the Second Term those questions will be discussed which result from the influences of water and of the atmo- sphere in modifying the earth's surface Among these will be tides and currents oceanic circulation Origin positions and structure of tablelands plains of marine denudation and low plains Physical and chemical properties of the atmo- sphere Clouds dew rain Formation motion position characters and effects of glaciers and icebergs Surface drainage the several kinds of springs subterranean rivers caverns History of some of the chief rivers of the world Formation of hills origin of the five kinds of valleys and of the several kinds of lakes Kinds origin and distribution of
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