Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 91
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 89 III The Principal requests each Student of this Depart- ment on entering his second term to contribute the sum of £1 Is towards the expenses of the restoration of the College Chapel IV The terminal fees are to be paid and the usual card of admission taken out upon the first day of each term All cards of admission must be registered within 14 days from the commencement of term After an attendance of Six Terms in the Morning or their equivalent in the Evening and Morning together only one-half of the above Fees are payable and Student of Nine Terms' standing in the Morning or their equivalent in the Evening and Morning together becomes entitled to free admission to all Lectures in this Department VI The College cap and gown which are worn by all Matriculated Students may be purchased from Messrs Cox Son 28 Southampton Street Strand VII Occasional Students Gentlemen not wishing to attend the whole Course may select any one or more sub- jects at the following Fees for the Morning Classes Fees Per per Term Year £ £ Dogmatic Theology Ecclesiastical History Hebrew and Exegesis of the Old Testament 10 10 Exegesis of the New Testament 10 10 Pastoral Theology Public Reading Vocal Music Public Health General Library 10 110 The Fees for attending such of these Classes as are held in the Evening will be one-half of those payable for the Morning Classes VI Boxes are provided in the Corridors of the College in which Students may keep their Caps and Gowns Books &c See page 449
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