Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 85
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theological department 83 To each Student who has merited such distinction by his attainments and by his good character during the period of his studies in King's College the Principal is empowered by the Council to grant Certificate of attain- ments and conduct which Certificate may be exhibited for the satisfaction of any Bishop to whom such Student may apply to be admitted as Candidate for Holy Orders The two Archbishops and twenty-five of the Bishops have consented to admit as Candidates for Holy Orders those Students who shall produce this Certificate books recommended The following List of Books is recommended to the Theo- logical Students of King's College as containing those most likely to be helpful to them The letters and Î’ indicate respectively in each subject what books the Student should il possible get for himself as all but indispensable and those which it will be enough for him to consult in the College Library or elsewhere -Dogmatic Theology and Evidences Browne's Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles Pearson on the Creed Mill's Analysis of Pearson Hooker Book Church's Edition Butler's Analogy and Sermons Paley's Horse Paulinas Harvey Ecclesiae Anglicanse Vindex Catholicus Hardwick History of the Thirty-Nine Articles Bull Fidei Nicaenae Defensio Waterland on the Athanasian Creed Barrow's Works 1
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