Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 66
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Gl ANNUAL REPORT Convalescent Home The Committee of Management re- solved after consideration on the latter alternative and steps are being taken not unsuccessfully to raise additional funds "independently of the Cheere Memorial with view to establish such Home on moderate scale in the neigh- bourhood of London site has been offered as gift by Mr Northey an old supporter of the Hospital and there is every reason to hope that in short time the enterprise will be carried to successful issue It has been suggested to the Council that in order to provide for many Students coming to the College from the country whose parents do not desire for them re- sidence in London itself and would be glad to secure the advantages of Collegiate Life it might be desirable to erect College Hall in the neighbourhood of London under Resident Head to be appointed by the Council By Mr Freake's kind assistance plan was drawn and calculations entered into to determine how under terms of peculiar advantage offered by Mr Freake such Hall for about thirty Students could be erected and maintained The Council however looking to the risk of the annual outlay required have hitherto felt unable to undertake scheme which they nevertheless think likely to be very bene- ficial to the College and which they would gladly attempt if in any way resources for the purpose could be placed at their disposal During the past year the Council have had pleasure in undertaking at the request of Mr Samuel Morley who most liberally supplied the requisite funds to arrange for course of Four Lectures to be delivered on Saturday afternoons in the great Theatre by Professor Leone Levi on Work and Wages dealing with subjects interesting to the working classes and bearing on the relations between Capital and Labour These Lectures were largely attended and intel- ligently discussed and the Council feel glad that the College has been able in any way to contribute to the elucidation of so important subject
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