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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-657

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Page content

606 INDEX page Surgery- Lectures 20 Fees 217 Hours of Attendance 221 Surveying and LwtQter Sre La Surveying Tamil and Te'upu- Fees 119 Hours of Attendance 120 Tanner Prize- Endowment 68 Regulations 228 Prizemen 263 Theological Department- Professors' Names 77 Instruction given 77 Rules of Admission 78 Rules as to Graduates 79 Examinations Certificates 80 Rooks recommended 83 Terms and Fees 88 University of Durham 88 Time Table 90 Resident Studentships 91 Associateship 92 Hoods 92 Gieek Testament Prize 93 Hebrew and Old Test Prize 94 Dogm Theology Prize Wordsworth Prize 96 Leitner Prize 98 Candidates for Admission 98 343 Theological Society 99 Ν ויי of those who passed in last year 100 Names of Students 101 Names of Cand forAdmission 101 Theological Dep Ev Class- Regulations 343 Fees 344 Hours 344 o'nffleal Socifty- Rule 99 Todd Prize- Endowment 227 Prizemen 262 Tooke Professorship- Endowment 67 Regulations 122 Treasurer of the College 19 page Trench Prize- Endowment 67 Rules 93 Names of Prizemen 94 University of London- Prelim Arts Exam 211 Prelim Science Exam 211 Medical Degrees 276 University of Durham- Rules of 88 University Distinctions- Oxford 461 Cambridge 462 London 464 Vocal Music- Fees 89 Hours of Attendance 90 Warneford Prizes- Endowment 67 Rules 226 Prizemen 262 Warneford Scholarships- Endowment 67 Rules 229 List of Scholars Whilworth Scholars- Names of 474 Whitworth Exhibitions- Names of Exhibitioners 182 Wordsworth Prize- Rules of 98 Workshop Morning Class- Instruction 160 Regulations 163 Fees 169 Hours of Attendance 170 Workshop Evening Ci 8s n&tructiou 346 Fees 347 Hours 347 Worsley Scholarships- Endowment 66 Regulations 124 List of Scholars 131 Writing Evening Class- Instruction 309 Fees 330 Hours of Attendance 332 Zoology See mparat ve Anatomy London Clay Sons and Taylor Printers Bread Street Hill Queen Victoria Street
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