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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-643

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641 APPENDIX Examinations ior ti Kibtl Soerbtce of En&ia REGULATIONS FOR THE OPEN COMPETITION OF 1878 -The Regulations are applicable to this Examination only On April 9th 1878 and following days an Examination of Candidates will be held in London At this examination not fewer than Candi- dates will be selected if so many shall be found duly qualified Of these will be selected for the Presidency of Bengal for the Upper Provinces and for the Lower Provinces for that of Madras and for that of Bombay -Notice will hereafter be given of the days and place of examination Any person desirous of competing at this Examination must produce to the Civil Service Commissioners before the 1st of February 1878 evidence showing That he is natural-born subject of Her Majesty That his age on the 1st March 1878 will be above seventeen years and under twenty-one years -In the case of Natives of India this must he certified by the Government of India or of the Presidency or Province in which the Candidate may have resided That he has no disease constitutional affection or bodily infirmity unfitting him or likely to unfit him for the Civil Service of India That he is of good moral character He must also pay such fee as the Secretary of State for India may prescribe The number of appointments to be made and the number in each Presi- dency fcc will be announced hereafter It will probably be about half the usual number Evidence of health and character must bear date not earlier than the 1st January 1878 The Fee for this Examination will be Ā£5 payable by means of special stamp according to instructions which will be communicated to candidates
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