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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-639

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 637 pressure-difference is maintained and explain the utility of th mechanism for the due performance of the blood's function Contrast the functions of the mouth the stomach and the jejunum with one another XIII-Ci tmfetrj Describe Dr Angus Smith's "household test" of the condition of the air in dwelling-room and distinguish between good bad and indifferent air 100 cubic inches of air at 60 and 30 in Bar weigh 31 grains Give the weights 100 cubic inches of hydrogen ammonia and vapour of carbon disulphide at the same temperature and pressure Point out the difference in the modes of action of hydro- chloric and nitric acids respectively upon metals How would gold silver copper tin and zinc be affected by each acid How is chloride of lime made Explain its application as disinfectant What opinions are now commonly held with respect to the influence of drinking-waters upon health so far as their chemical composition is concerned Describe Marsh's test for arsenic What metal might be mistaken for arsenic in this test and how can the error be avoided XIV -JSotani Describe the genera characters and chemical composition of starch and chlorophyll Define the following epiphyte-parasite-epidermis cuticle-rhizome and corm Define the following terms as applied to leaves pinnate pinnatifid obvolute-dentate -acuminate-lanceolate- ovate -obcordate-quinate-amplexicaul-phyllode and ligule What do you understand by determinate and indeterminate
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