Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 638
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636 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Under what circumstances is it desirable to have recourse to them What is tbe action of atropia on the heart on the eye on the salivary glands Illustrate your answer by reference to other vegetable principles possessing similar or contrary properties XL- anatomp Ηοτν does long bone increase in length and thickness and bow is its nutrition kept up Describe the outer wall of the nasal fossa as seen in the dried skulk What openings are found in each meatus What ligaments are attached to the coracoid and acromial processes of the scapula and what is the exact use of each of them Give the length course divisions relations and structure of the duodenum Give the attachments and actions of the following muscles external pterygoid obturator interims obturator externus ex- tensor brevis digitorum pedis teres minor rbomboidens major flexor carpi ulnaris Describe the testicle and give the course of its duct XII -$1 £1010£ע Describe accurately the structure of bone tissue anp briefly the structure and arrangement of the various elements entering into the construction of long bone Describe the tissue of striped muscle Contrast the dis- tribution and mode of action of striped" and "unstriped" muscle and show how each is adapted to its own office Briefly explain the general construction of secreting glands and draw up morphological classification Describe those connected with the external skin and assign to each its function Describe the difference of intra-vascular pressure existing in various parts of the systemic circulation Show how this
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