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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-637

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 635 labyrinth the organ of Corti and trace the course of the sound wave Describe the lachrymal apparatus its functions and nervous mechanism IX -Cijcmt£it r1 Mention some of the chief products of the distillation of coal giving their formulae and useful applications What is the composition of chloral hydrate State briefly how it is prepared How may chloroform be obtained from it An acid liquid is found to contain carbon hydrogen and oxygen When submitted to ultimate organic analysis 10 grs of it give 9'565 carbon dioxide and 3913 water 46 grs of it are required to neutralise 17 grs of ammonia Give the name and formula of the liquid To which of the classes of organic compounds does glycerine belong In what manner is it related to the natural fats Give chemical method for ascertaining the alcoholic strength of fermented liquor What chemical compounds other than alcohol influence tbe properties of such liquors Define the position of the oil of bitter almonds among organic bodies To what impurity is the crude oil liable and bow is it removed -iHattrta iHrttca antf CijcrapeuticS Give full account of the action of digitalis upon the system in health in disease Under what conditions is it likely to prove beneficial and what are the precise advantages to be expected from its administration under those conditions Describe the preparation and pharmaceutical properties of the following substances potassii iodidum ferri carbonas sac- charata chloral hydras elaterium guaiaci resina mistura scam- monii What means have we of lowering the temperature of the body when abnormally high How are they supposed to act
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