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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-635

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 633 seemed to be improving though the dulness on the right side had not entirely disappeared On October 14 he expectorated nearly half-r-pint of muco-purulent matter About this time he began to grow much thinner and to be troubled with night sweats He found that he had become quite blind in the right eye He got weaker and weaker and wandered good deal at night On October 30 he was seized with convulsive twitchings and some hours afterwards it was discovered that the left arm and leg were paralysed Comment upon this case Give full description of the changes you would expect to find upon post-mortem examination and state fully the treatment you think ought to have been adopted dforcnsitc iHrtfictiu Describe the methods for the detection of blood stains State how death results from hanging and describe tbe appearances found after death Mention the common poisonous salts of copper Give the chemical reactions and methods of detection in organic liquids the symptoms of acute poisoning and the sources and symptoms of chronic poisoning by copper Give the characters and tests of Veratria and describe the effects local and general on man and animals State the fatal dose VI biStctric iflefltrine State what you know of puerperal mania its causes natural history and management Describe the pathology symptoms and treatment of fibroid tumour of the uterus Describe the eymptoms pathology and treatment of the so-called "essential paralysis" of young children
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