Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 634
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632 medical department State fully your diagnosis of this case with the reasons for your opinion State also the operation you would have yourself performed giving the surgical anatomy of the parts concerned the precautions you would have taken the probable nature of the enlargement and results of treatment III -fHrtJictnr Give full account of the course of case of scarlet fever followed by dropsy Describe the pathological changes occurring in pericarditis and the valvular disease that often follows Give tbe physical signs in case of pneumonia and in case of pleurisy What is lead palsy Give the treatment for sick head-ache constipation pain in the back chronic rheumatism and write all your prescriptions in full Illustrate your answers by reference to cases under Dr Beaie's care during the past few months IV -Case in fHfiltcmt for Contmentarw pale hard-working solicitor about fifty on August received very slight knock on the inner side of the left leg about six inches below the knee and an inch from the inner side of the tibia In this situation small red tender swelling soon appeared which however did not prevent him from walking or from foi- lowing his employment Six weeks afterwards although the red- ness had disappeared there was still tenderness and small hard swelling marked the seat of injury On September 20 he was seized with severe pain on the right side of the chest with cough and shortness of breath The pulse was 120 and his temperature 104 The lower half of the chest on the right side was dull After having been confined to his bed for about three weeks be
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