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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-632

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630 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT XII CljrmtiStrp XIII -ίΗίφηΰί XIV -5i pstcS XV -Sotanp See Clothworhers1 Exhibition IX Jite&ital Bepartmcnt SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP urgrri Exemplify your answers by cases in the hospital during the present winter session Describe the process of suppuralion giving the most recent theories of its causes and progress and the measures now in vogue for preventing and checking it What are the symptoms of aneurism of the subclavian artery Give its usual course and results and the various measures that have been tried to cure it Describe the disease coxalgia or morbus cox and its treatment in the following order The class of patients affected by it The predisposing and exciting causes The natural history premonitory symptoms progressive stages and usual terminations as given by recent authors The pathology and morbid anatomy The treatment proper for its various conditions specifying those which call for operative interference The steps of the operation with its after-treatment and probable results For what diseases is excision of the upper jaw required Describe the operation with its modern improvements Mention briefly the various amputations of the leg below
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