Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 628
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62 WARNEFORD SCHOLARS' TPS ME Αίγυπτο ω δύστηνος οΐ πεπλενκ' άρα ΓΡ τί δή το Nf ιλου μεμπτόν εστί σοι ανος ΜΕ ου τοΰτ' εμεμφθην' τα ε'μάς στένω τΰχας ΓΡ πολλοί κακώς πρήσσουσιν ου συ δή μόνος ΜΕ εστ ουν εν οίκοις οντι ονομάζεις άναζ ΓΡ τύδ' εστίν αϋτοϋ μνήμα παις δ1 άρχει χθονός ΜΕ 7Γ00 δήτ' 51 ε "η πότερον εκτός ή 'ν δόμηις ΓΡ ουκ ένδον" "ΕΧΚησιν δέ πολεμιώτατος ME TiV αΐτίαν σχών ής επηυρόμην εγο ΓΡ 'ΐλενη κατ' οΐκονς εστί τούσδ' ή του Αιός VIII -antl mctir Αν area contains 683 square yards ft 25 in and it is 26 yards δ in long how wide is it Find the least common multiple of 53 and 8281 Add together 4ft 2& lft 3ft Find the difference between 0231 of guinea anil 19 of half crown Divide 168 by 024 The depth of water in cistern whose base contains 1344 square inches is ft in find the depth of the same quantity of water in another cistern whose base contains 1088 square inches If 375 yards cost £3 825 how much will 385625 yards cost Required the number of days in which 15 horses will consume 75 bushels it being given that horses consume 60 bushels in 50 days If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two "sides of the other each to each but tbe angle contained by the two sides of one of them greater than the angle contained by the two sides equal to them of the other the base of that which has the greater angle shall be greater than the base of the other
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