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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-623

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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 621 What was the king's conduct towards these two ministers How was it influenced by the differences of their rank and functions How far had the Reformation advanced at the death of Henry VIII What was the object of the Pilgrimage of Grace What light does it throw on the condition of the northern counties Mention the most eminent writers and divines who flourished during this reign At what dates in the reign was the king at war with Charles and Francis and at what dates was he in alliance with these sovereigns What is meant by the royal supremacy How does it differ from the royal prerogative -fttacbetl Give brief account of the plot of this drama Who are the principal personages in it and how do they act as foils to each other In what way does the temptation to which Banquo Macbeth and his wife are severally exposed act upon each of them and with what results to their different characters Point out some few of the passages in Macbeth's speeches which most prominently betray his real feelings What passages are objected to in this play as unworthy of Shakspeare State on what grounds and how far the objections are unsatisfactory Explain the rationale of tbe expressions Already at point"-"their malody convinces the great assay of art"- violent sorrow seems modern ecstasy "-" I'll make assurance double sure and take bond of fate "-" the blood-boltered Banquo"-" confronted him with self-comparisons"- my single state of man Give the etymology and precise meaning of the following words harbinger-banquet-metaphysical-mischief-trammel -palter-limbec-wassail
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