Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 622
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620 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS In what respects is the Epistle of St James unique in the New Testament To whom is it addressed Give the substance of its teaching on- The relation of faith to works The nature and objects of temptation The right mental condition of tbe faithful under per- Mention III -$ra cr J300k Out of what materials and on what principles was the English Prayer Book formed What portions of it were pub- lished before it came out in complete form in 1549 In what relation does tbe Prayer Book as authorized under Elizabeth stand to the two Prayer Books of Edward VI What were the chief changes denounced at the Savoy Con- ference What changes were actually made State more particularly the variations through which the Communion Service passed from 1549 to 1662 What are the various elements of Public Worship Show how they are represented in tbe Morning Service and in tbe Communion Service Enumerate and group together the Occasional Services of the Church of England What are the Festivals marked out in our Prayer Book On what principle are they selected IV -ftenrg WiM Mention the children of Henry VIII How old was Henry VIII when he came to the Crown What were his first acts on that occasion Give brief description of Cardinal Wolsey Show how his administration tended to aggrandize the monarchy and paved the way to the Reformation In what respects did Cromwell follow the steps of his pre- decessor What were the chief motives of his policy
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