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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-621

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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 619 What doest thou here Elijah In what respects are the Psalms unlike other parts of Holy Scripture Who are the chief Psalmists What are the main divisions of the Psalter and at what times were they formed Give any quotations from the Psalms applied to our Lord in the New Testament What are the chief Psalms called Messianic 10 From the Psalms what may be gathered as to- The extent of knowledge of future life The history of Israel The belief in God as the Creator and Sustainer of Nature II 0spcl according to St fMattljtfo nviis tt ptsstU nf St laities What are the signs which indicate that St Matthew's Gospel was Gospel especially for the Jews Give brief analysis of the Sermon on the Mount How far does it contain the substance of Christianity "i Explain the purpose of our Lord's teaching by Parables Note any Parables recorded by St Matthew alone Give any Parables from this Gospel illustrating- The method of growth of the Kingdom of Heaven The principle of the Judgment The duty of forgiveness What place does our Lord Himself claim for His miracles in the manifestation of His kingdom Show how the nature of most of His miracles illustrates especially His work as Redeemer On what occasions did they manifest power over nature itself Give an outline of our Lord's charge to His apostles when He sent them out during His own lifetime Illustrate from St Matthew's Gospe1 our Lord's dealing with the Pharisees the Sadducees and the Herodians What points in the history of the condemnation and Passion of our Lord are noted by St Matthew alone What appearances after the Resurrection does he record
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