Calendar: 1877-1878 Page 619
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CLOTHWOKKERS' SCIENCE EXHIBITION 617 common earth-worm and of the house-fly mentioning the deeper relations of parts which appear upon the surface Tabulate classification of the Molluscous Animals and justify it On what structural peculiarities are the five larger divisions of the vertebrata based Describe shortly the bony skeleton of the frog not including the skull and compare it with that of mammalian animal To what order of mammals do the seals manatees and opossums respectively belong and mention the geographical distribution of the most important of their species VIl -J30tan1 What is the chemical composition and what are the general characters of the cell-wall of young cells and how is it thickened How would you ascertain the age of Dicotyledonous plant of Monocotyledonous plant and of an Acotyle- donous plant Define the following -parenchymatous prosenchymatous protoplasm chlorophyll prickle and spine What are the distinctive characters of roots and stems Define rhizome corm and bulb Distinguish between determinate and indeterminate in- florescences and define spike raceme and umbel Give the essential characters of the following natural orders -Compositse Labiatae and Scrophulariacese Note -The above questions are for the Candidates for both the Warneford Scholarships and Science Exhibition The two following for Candidates for Science Exhibition only Define the following terms as applied to leaves -amplexi- caul retuse acuminate obcordate lanceolate reniform pinnate pinnatifid palmate and pedate What is the structure of the carpel and what are the different kinds of placentation
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