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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-617

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CLOTHWORKEBS' SCIENCE EXHIBITION 615 If after coming to rest it be allowed to descend along continuous curve to the starting point shew that the velocity acquired will be the same as that with which it started State the third law of motion Apply it to find the tension of string which passes over pulley when two weights Ī” and are hanging at the ends of it Define specific gravity and describe the method of determining the specific gravity of solid lighter than water body whose specific gravity is 56 floats in water how will its depth in the water be affected when the barometer rises The water in canal lock rises 17 feet against the gate and the breadth of the gate is 25 feet find the pressure upon it The weight of cubic foot of water is 625 lbs State the laws of mixed gases and explain to what extent they apply to vapours How may the maximum tension of vapours be determined What effect will an increase of temperature have on the reading of barometer supposing the atmospheric pressure to remain constant Describe method of determining the mean coefficient of linear expansion of solid between zero and any given tempera- ture What is meant by the hygrometric state of the air Explain how it is determined by Daniell's or Regnault's hygrometers State the laws of fusion and explain how the fusing points of bodies under pressure depend upon their volumes in the liquid and in the solid state Give instances in illustration of your answer Give method of determining the specific heat of solid and describe the necessary apparatus The specific heat of lead is 031 and its latent heat 5-37 what is the mechanical equivalent ot the heat required to raise lbs of lead from temperature of 290 to its melting point 320" ana to melt it On what properties do the velocity of sound in any
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