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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1877-1878-616

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614 CLOTHWOHKF ES SCIENCE EXHIBITION VII Iotijfoorfcers' rience lEittfcttton Sritijmctt'c atgtbra anil Crigononutrn II EucliD anU Conic Sections See Freake Exhibitions Department of General Literature and Science pages 555-558 III £lcmtntarg iHcrfjantcS Define the resultant of any number of forces If three forces acting on point are in equilibrium prove that these forces may be represented by the sides of triangle Define the term centre of gravity rod 35 feet long weighing 18 lbs rests at point 15 feet from one end what weight placed at the other end will make the rod balance about its middle point ABCDEF is regular hexagon and forces represented by the lines AB AC AD ΑΕ&ηά AF act at the point find their resultant Find the relation between the power and weight on the inclined plane when the power acts horizontally Explain how this relation may be employed to determine the mechanical advantage to be gained by screw Find the power which acting at an arm of ft in supports weight of 50 lbs on screw of which the thread rises in 20 the diameter of the screw being inches What is work and how is it measured Shew that the work done by the power is equal to the work done on the weight on the first system of pulleys when there is uniform motion Wrhat power will raise weight of cwt at uniform rate when there are three movable pulleys If train begins to ascend an incline of in 100 with velocity of 20 ft per second find how far it will go
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